Divine Manifestation

Divine Manifestation

Monday, October 31, 2011

Music of Solitude

Music of Solitude
Solitude has its own charm. There is a music of silence in the solitude. One needs to have an inner year to listen to this music. It is having a rhythm of the intense thoughts beyond words… the thoughts which gather in the silence behind life.
In solitude we hear the voice of Earth. It is an inarticulate voice, but still it is having a sweet tone. One can hear this voice in the great passion of sun-kissed trance.
The inner ear that listens to solitude,
Leaning self-rapt unboundedly could hear
The rhythm of the intenser wordless Thought
That gathers in the silence behind life,
And the low sweet inarticulate voice of earth
In the great passion of her sun-kissed trance

In solitude we ascend with its yearning undertone. It is far away from the brute noise of clamorous needs. Our quieted all-seeking mind could feel the unwearied clasp of her mute patient love and truly know that the soul is mother of all forms.
Ascended with its yearning undertone.
Afar from the brute noise of clamorous needs
At rest from its blind outwardness of will,
The unwearied clasp of her mute patient love
And know for a soul the mother of our forms.

Our spirit is free in its own domain. However, here on earth, it is stumbling in the fields of sense.
This spirit stumbling in the fields of sense,
This creature bruised in the mortr of the days

… Savitri, Book IV : The Book of Birth and Quest, Canto IV : The Quest, Pg 380

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