Divine Manifestation

Divine Manifestation

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Word of Fate

Word of Fate
The great Gods use the pain of human hearts,
As a sharp axe to hew their cosmic road;
They squander lavishly men’s blood and tears
For a moment’s purpose in their fateful work.
This cosmic Nature’s balance is not ours
Nor the mystic measure of her need and use.
A single word lets loose vast agencies;
A casual act determines the world’s fate.
So now he set free destiny in that hour.
Savitri by Sri Aurobindo, Book VI: The Book of Fate, Canto I: The Word of Fate, Pate 429

This was spoken by Narad Muni to the parents of Savitri when they wanted to know the fate of the marriage of Satyavan and Savitri.

Unknown to us, behind the veil, a great cosmic machinery of chain reaction of cause and effect is at work. Even our pain has a purpose in the scheme of things. The phrase ‘They (Gods) squander lavishly men’s blood and tears for a moment’s purpose in their fateful work,’ expresses the irony of the working of fate as viewed from our limited human perspective. It is not the final truth though.

What Narad Muni is trying to tell us is explained further…
This cosmic Nature’s balance is not ours
Nor the Mystic measure of her need and use.
Here we get a peep into the very deep secret of the working of Cosmic Nature. Many of the unexplained and apparently contradictory happenings in this world (good people suffering…) does indeed has a rationale in the overall scheme of things which our limited human mind is not able to comprehend.

The apparently ‘disproportionate’ working of the ‘cause and effect’ results in
A single word lets loose vast agencies;
A casual act determines the world’s fate.
We get perplexed with this type of the working of Fate as it does not fit into our human ‘judicial’ way of thinking. The history is witness to great catastrophic events taking place from apparently a relatively single incident (e.g. events like Pearl Harbour, Bombing of World Trade Centre and more recently the terror siege in Mumbai by just 10 Pakistani youths in November 08 resulting the resignation of the Chief Minister and Deputy Chief Minister of Maharashtra and churning of the whole nation of India with a real possibility of the bloody conflict between India and Pakistan)

So now he set free destiny in that hour.
This is the way the Cosmic Nature works. It does have its own system. Not knowing this system by a human being results in him wondering
They (Gods) squander lavishly men’s blood and tears
But in reality, it is for
For a moment’s purpose in their fateful work.

We are not independent, detached or separate form the Cosmic Nature. We are part of the whole scheme of things. If we are able to understand this scheme by progressing on our spiritual path and develop broader spiritual vision, everything falls in its proper place.

…….. Dedicated at the lotus feet of My Guru Shri Aurobindo and Mother

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